„Macbeth“ от books.google.com
shakespeare's stories.. In session 2010-11, it has been approved for ISE School for Class XI
„Macbeth“ от books.google.com
Many kinds of study are needed in order to understand the tragedy of Macbeth and this book provides a wide range of studies that respect the individuality of the text and examine it from different viewpoints.
„Macbeth“ от books.google.com
Containing annotated extracts from key sources, this guide to William Shakespeare's Macbeth explores the heated debates that this play has sparked.
„Macbeth“ от books.google.com
Beginning with the murder of King Duncan and culminating with Lady Macbeth's descent into madness and Macbeth's final clash with Macduff, Macbeth is one of William Shakespeare's greatest dramatic works.
„Macbeth“ от books.google.com
The Macbeths, the new novel by Bruce M. Deterding, brings us into the conflict between big-money, big-power Florida developers and the small but thriving Timucua nation and their claim to save the world.
„Macbeth“ от books.google.com
A detailed account of the theatre history of Shakespeare's Macbeth from 1607 to the present day.